When March Madness Meets Guitar Hero (Meets Metallica)

Pod to Mac Transfers files from your iPhone, iPod to Your Mac

If you want a free and dead simple way to transfer your music, video and other files from your iPhone or iPod to your mac, try Pod to Mac. All you do is plug in your iPhone or iPod, search for the files you want to transfer and copy them over.
There have been other options to transfer things from your gadget to your Mac, but those may cost money or be complicated. Here's one that totally free and easy to use. If you want to transfer to a PC, you can try Pod to PC. [PodtoMac via Lifehacker]
FOUND: Lauren. She's an Actress

Lauren is an actress as it turns out. Her real name is Lauren De Long. She signed up for a Market Research project that also included the national commecial.

Reading through De Long's resume, you find that her "special skills" include Cheerleading, Ear Prompter, Hula Hoop, and Stage Combat. So wait, she's an actress AND a cheerleader AND a stage combatant, but she's STILL not cool enough to use a Mac? No way. We just don't buy it.
We were unable to reach Lauren De Long, but we did leave her a message mentioning one of our readers' offers to give her a free 17-inch Apple PowerBook. When site TechFlash called, apparently De Long said she had signed an NDA restricting her from speaking about her experiences with the HP laptop.
iPhone 3G named Engadget's 2008 Editor's Choice Gadget of the Year

Engadget released its 2008 Editors Choice Awards and Reader's Choice Awards. Both agreed that the iPhone 3G was the gadget of the year. The reader's choice awards had apple toys all over it. From the iPhone to iPod to iMac. The reader's chose the Zune as the worst gadget of the year. Take a guess what phone the Editors named worst gadget of the year. Yep, the Blackberry Storm!
Esquire Nominated Steve Jobs for President...of General Motors

The important question is whether the move will "save" GM, and the answer, obviously, is no. No single thing — or even single car — will save GM. Except, perhaps, the appointment of a visionary, vicious bastard-genius to permanently replace Wagoner. Someone with the foresight of a seer, the calculation of a burglar, the self-confidence of a sheikh, and the bloodlust of a Spartan. A century ago, we'd have had been throwing out names left and right: Carnegie, Morgan, Vanderbilt, Rockefeller. Today there's only one: Jobs. Here's why.
But if Steve's not available (and here's hoping his health at least brings him back to the Apple keynote stage with, say, a MacBook Mini), may we suggest Wendelin?
Netflix Raises Blu-Ray Rental Fee
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Netflix Inc. is raising its prices for rentals of Blu-ray discs. The change will triple or quadruple the high-definition surcharge on Netflix's most popular subscription plans.
The new rates announced Monday are being driven by the growing appetite for discs in the high-definition format. Blu-ray discs cost about 30 percent more than standard DVDs, so Netflix's profit margins are being squeezed as it expands its Blu-ray inventory.
Netflix had been imposing a $1 monthly surcharge for Blu-ray rentals since September, regardless of how much the basic subscription plan costs.
Effective April 27, Netflix will adopt a sliding scale that will slap higher Blu-ray fees on plans that let customers check out multiple DVDs at a time.
You Have Less than 4 Hours to Bid on the Dwight Howard Phone Booth

Skype for iPhone Comes Out Tomorrow

No, Your MacBook is Not Mack Truck Proof

Even though the new MacBook is made of stiff aluminum, it can still be bent. Especially when it's up against a Mack Truck. A guy had his Macbook in his bag while biking around. He was struck and thankfully not seriously hurt. Although there is some serious damage to his mac and bike. [Truck Vs Macbook Pro via Gizmodo]

Jimmy Fallon vs. Anna Kournikova In Beer Pong
You can just skip 3/4 of the video.
Do You Know Lauren?

You may know Lauren from this PC ad.
You probably don't know Mitch. But here's what he's offering.
To whom it may concern,
I recently watched the new PC ad on television the other night about "Lauren" purchasing a laptop for under $1000.00. It was a great advertisement targeting everyday PC users. My only concern is that I feel the computer "Lauren" chose will not provide an overall positive experience. I am asking for your assistance to help me locate "Lauren". I am willing to give her my 17" Mac laptop "FOR FREE" so she can decide which laptop is superior without putting a price tag on it.
I do believe everyone on this planet is "cool enough to be a Mac person".
Mitch Gewirtz
Gizmodo contacted Mitch and asked him if he was serious:
Absolutely! I am serious!
I believe my 17" G4 powerbook is still more advanced than any PC out there today. It is a very healthy laptop that has given me a wonderful experience the last couple of years. I truly believe if "Lauren" had a chance to use this laptop she would change her mind.
Can you help me locate her?
So, if you know Lauren, contact the folks over at Gizmodo!Let's hope Lauren is a real person (and that doesn't work for Microsoft or HP) and takes on this challenge. Not to mention, this guy is giving up his powerbook, anyone willing to give Lauren a chance at using a MacBook for free?
If I was Lauren, I'd probably sell that that Volkswagen Beetle and use that money to get a used Honda and a MacBook. The MSRP for a Black '09 Beetle with black leather interior, is just below $26k. So, lets say it's an '08, and you got a great deal and paid $20k. You could sell that car and get a used Honda Accord or Civic and buy a new MacBook. That Beetle sucks anyway.

Ever Want a 'Natural Blonde' in your mouth?
Ever want a Natural Blonde in your mouth?
Dwight Howard Wants a Ring on His Finger
I knew Dwight Howard wanted a ring on his finger, I just thought it was a championship ring. Apparently he wants more than that. Or maybe this is just another way to ask for a contract extention?
Dear Shaq,
What do you think about this video? Are you going to one up Dwight too?
Sling Player for iPhone
This thing better get approved by the app store fast!
Follow-Up: Babies (Not) Makin' Babies
Remember that 13 year old baby daddy from England, Alfie Patten? Well, it turns out he's still just a regular 13 year old baby.
If you'll remember, little Alfie thought taking a DNA test would clear up some of the rumors (rumours) that his 15 year old girlfriend Chantelle had been sleeping around and that their little Maisie was actually somebody else's kid (or as he put it more eloquently: "I didn't know about DNA tests before but mum explained it's when they do a swab in your mouth and it tells if you're the dad. So if I have it, they can all shut up"). As they say, be careful what you wish for. According to the UK's Daily Mirror, said DNA test confirmed that Maisie was, of course, not Alfie's. (Apparently, the Mirror had the story pulled from its website due to UK privacy laws.)
That familiar noise you're hearing is a crowd of spectators hissing and booing while Alfie pumps his fist in the air after Maury just told him: "Alfie... you are NOT the father!"
But seriously, who wins after this? Nobody. What is wrong with parents these days? (Not Alfie and Chantelle, I mean their parents... oh and Alfie and Chantelle too.)
[Mirror via San Francisco Chronicle]
This Is Your Genitalia On Drugs
SAGINAW, Mich. (AP) — A man police caught performing a sex act with a car wash vacuum has been sentenced to 90 days in the Saginaw County Jail.
Jason Leroy Savage must also submit to drug testing.
The 29-year-old Swan Creek Township man was sentenced Wednesday in Saginaw County Circuit Court. Savage pleaded no contest to indecent exposure last month.
Police say Savage was arrested after a resident called officers early on Oct. 16 to report suspicious activity at a car wash in Thomas Township, about 90 miles northwest of Detroit.
He couldn't have just gotten a hummer from his Hoover at home? (Unintended alliteration!)
This Week's Sign of the Apocalypse
... as in, Three Stooges.
You're reading right. The above graphic is indeed a real one, not altered or retouched (at least not by me).
The new Three Stooges film will be directed by the Farrelly Brothers and is set for release next year. Reportedly, Jimmy Markum will be starring as Larry, Lloyd Christmas will be featured as Curly, and in the most obvious casting since Captain Picard as Professor X, Che Guevara has been tapped to play Stooge leader, Moe.
In related news, I'm planning to cast Zac Efron as the star of my next film: the biopic, "I Am Your Father: The Life Story of James Earl Jones."
[Variety via MTVNews]

Movie Trailers: Where the Wild Things Are [Live Action]
Now, I never read this book. In fact, I haven't even watched this trailer yet. (I'm in class!) But my elementary school library hung up a poster of the book's cover (see below), right over the reading pit, every year right before the book fair started. So it's safe to say that I'm an expert on Maurice Sendak's work. And I know of at least one person who will like to hear about this movie.
Directed by Spike Jonze (Being John Malkovich, Adaptation, "Sky's the Limit" music video [Notorious B.I.G.]).
Stephen Colbert Wins Space Station Naming Contest!
WASHINGTON (AP) -- NASA's online contest to name a new room at the international space station went awry. Comedian Stephen Colbert won.
The name "Colbert'' beat out NASA's four suggested options in the space agency's effort to have the public help name the addition. The new room will be launched later this year.
NASA's mistake was allowing write-ins. Colbert urged viewers of his Comedy Central show, "The Colbert Report'' to write in his name. And they complied, with 230,539 votes. That clobbered Serenity, one of the NASA choices, by more than 40,000 votes. Nearly 1.2 million votes were cast by the time the contest ended Friday.
NASA reserves the right to choose an appropriate name. Agency spokesman John Yembrick said NASA will decide in April, but will give top vote-getters "the most consideration.''
David Letterman Gets Married

According to US magazine, David Letterman has finally tied the knot with long time girlfriend Regina Lasko. The announcement came during the taping of the latest late night show.
"On Thursday, at 3 p.m., March 19, 2009, at the Teton County Courthouse in Choteau, Montana, I was married to Regina Lasko," Letterman said about 20 minutes into the show, before he read the "Top 10" list.
"Regina and I began dating in February of 1986, and I said, 'Well, things are going pretty good, let's just see what happens in about ten years...'" he continued.
"…I had avoided getting married pretty good for, like, 23 years, and I -- honestly, whether this happened or not -- I secretly felt that men who were married admired me…like I was the last of the real gunslingers, you know what I'm saying?'" he joked.
The family's truck got stuck in the mud en route to the courthouse, he explained. Letterman "walked two miles back to the house in 50 mph wind," he said. "It's not Beverly Hills -- it's Montana.
"And the whole way, I'm thinking, 'See, smart ass, see you try to get married and this is what happens,'" he went on.
After getting his car from home, five-year-old son Harry says, "'Are we still going into town?'...he got very upset because mom had told him if I wasn't back in an hour, the deal was off."
Jennifer Aniston Breaks Up with John Mayer

Jennifer Aniston has ended her relationship with John Mayer. The reason? Because he twitters too much apparently.
Mayer is obsessed with Twitter and other gadgets. Mayer would tell Aniston that he's busy with work even though he had time to twitter. This all comes from a Telegraph source.
"John suddenly stopped calling her or returning her emails and when she would finally catch up with him, he'd say: 'I've been so busy with work. I'm sorry I haven't had time to call you back."
The source added: "Jen was fuming. There he was, telling her he didn't have time for her and yet his page was filled with Twitter updates.
"Every few hours, sometimes minutes, he'd update with some stupid line. And in her mind, she was like 'He has time for all this Twittering, but he can't send me a text, an email, make a call?'."
After the break up, Mayer's twitter read: 'This heart didn't come with instructions.'
As Gizmodo points out, there is a bright side to this story:
Maybe the fact that he's now single will give him more time to provide tech support to his dad, play with his Sony Vaio, make two phone calls at once, punch out Tweets on his BlackBerry and get Apple products earlier than anyone else.
New iPhone Details Coming From Someone "high-up" at AT&T
BoyGeniusReport has this information from someone "pretty high-up" over at AT&T about the announcement for the new iPhone that is supposedly coming out in June. Here are the detailed updates.
- New iPhone announcement around mid-June (duh)
- New iPhone will be faster and have a more seamless experience unmatched by any device (could be just talking about 3.0, but we think it’s also a new iPhone)
- U-Verse iPhone application; will allow control of your home DVR (play, pause, rewind, etc.)
- Nothing official is being confirmed, but they said that people should prep for an exciting time this summer.
- AT&T is said to be working with Apple to create a unified product with an unparalleled experience across all their products and services.
- Apple’s 3.0 software should tell us where the iPhone platform is going… uh, k?
- They said customers shouldn’t need to choose from AT&T’s high-end devices because of features, they should choose based on preferences. The gap in capability should be filled with the new iPhone. Ok, bets on slide out QWERTY, autofocus camera, video sharing, blah blah?
- Seems like the higher speed HSDPA (7.2Mbps) is being hinted at too which should confirm the earlier rumors of the new Infineon chipset.
- The $99 3G netbook will start selling this summer, and the first one won’t be a Windows OS.
Granted that not all off the above will hold true, it seems like Apple is set to have a great summer.
Peyton Manning's American Idol Audition Tape
How is it that Peyton is dressed like that at a bar like that? Does this man not own any t-shirts (minus the Super Bowl Champs one) and jeans? Very entertaining. Probably more entertaining than the Colts will be this upcoming season...
What Organization is this? [SCP]
Here's a post from Sports Crackle Pop that is too good to change.
36 have been accused of spousal abuse
7 have been arrested for fraud
19 have been accused of writing bad checks
117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses
3 have done time for assault
71, repeat 71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
8 have been arrested for shoplifting
21 currently are defendants in lawsuits, and
84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year
Can you guess which organization this is?
It’s the 435 members of the United States Congress. The same people we trust to make laws every year have problems abiding by the ones already in place.
Tata Nano: World's Cheapest Car Hits Indian Streets in July

Meet the Tata Nano. It costs 100,000 Rupees which is about equivalent to $1,980. It is suppose to be the hottest new thing in India. Ratan Tata, the chairman of Tata Motors says the company is planning for a European release in 2011 and there is a good chance the car could come to the US in the future.
I really don't believe that this car will be able to sell in America for $2000. With all the fees of importing a car and implementing American emmissions standards onto this car, the price will be jacked up a good amount. Not to mention:
Volkswagen, Toyota, Honda and Fiat are eyeing the segment, and the venture of Renault/Nissan with Bajaj is on track to launch a $2,500 car in 2011. [Reuters]

This Guy Should Expect a Call from Child Services Soon
Ron Tajima builds a baby carrier Roomba called a Cradlooma
Dear MTA, Go to Hell
This news comes despite a increase in ridership and a decrease in services.
NEW YORK (AP) -- An MTA finance committee has voted to raise transit fares.
The cost of a single subway or bus ride would increase from $2 to $2.50 under the plan passed Monday afternoon by a committee of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.
The price of a monthly MetroCard would go up to $103, from $81. The increases would take effect June 1.
Gov. David Paterson and state lawmakers are at odds over a deal to head off the fare increases. The Legislature has until Wednesday to agree on a plan for closing the MTA's $1.1 billion gap.
Shove it!
Shaq One Ups Villanueva
Said the tweet:
Attention all twitterers I'm a tweet at halftime and not get fined like vill a new wave a whteva his name is
When Suns coach Alvin Gentry was informed that Shaq would post on twitter, he responded:
"If he gets 25 and 11, he can do anything he wants. He can Twitter, he can Facebook, he can -- whatever the hell the other one is, MySpace ... he gets 25 and 11, he can do just about anything he wants."
Shaq One Ups LeBron
Well, NBA Spokesperson/Entertainer/Baller Shaq claims that the celebration is 'weak.' So he decided to have his own pre-game greatness.
Bowling? What would Barack Obama say?

17" iMac Coming Soon? For $899?

More Evidence of Best Buy's Scumbagginess

Best Buy sold one man a "new" dvd player and it obviously wasn't. The picture above is proof of that. This man claims that the dvd player had this porno flick, hilariously named "Buckets O' Cum" was inside the dvd player when he bought it.
Very shady tactic by Best Buy. And selling a used dvd player as a new one is pretty bad too. If you're going to sell a used dvd player as new, at least check to make sure there's nothing inside. Fools! [Gizmodo] Click for the NSFW Picture.
March Madness Continues
As much as I hate video taped TVs, here's Jon Scheyer's save against Texas. (No, he does not travel in this video)
Marcus Jordan and the Jordannaires Win Championship
Marcus Jordan's game-high 19 points carried Chicago Whitney Young past Waukegan 69-66 to win boys Class 4A championship Saturday.
As Jordan and his teammates celebrated on the court after the final buzzer, father Michael Jordan stood quietly, clapping his hands with tears in his eyes.
Marcus is No. 5 (orange) with the headband and goggles. Fast forward to 3:47 to see a quick shot of His Airness just being Marcus's dad.
"Crying?" the NBA legend said in response to a reporter's question. "I'm not crying. Not for me, anyway."
Movie Trailers: X-Men Origins: Wolverine [New]
The last time an X-Men movie came out on the *May 2* weekend, it was AWESOME. This one comes out May 1.
New iPhone to have Video Recording? Coming out in 2009?

AppleInsider has a source saying that Apple's next generation iPhone will be released sometime this year (pointing to Summer) and it will have video recording enabled! If you've seen pictures of 3.0, you'll come across this one posted by Engadget.

Sources are saying that this is a good hint that the next iPhone will allow video recording and playback. Hopefully, this means that we'll be able to MMS videos as well. Signs point to June for any indication of a new iPhone. June would be the 2 year anniversary for the original iPhone.
According to other reports, it looks like Apple may be releasing 2 version of the iPhone this year. Most likely the difference will be in size of the disk. Signs also point to a 4G iPhone come 2011.
All of this is rumored and most of it won't come true, but video seems to be promising according to the AppleInsider report.
UPDATE: The iPhone Blog says that the new iPhone will even have a higher megapixel camera to boot with the video capabilities! WOO HOO!
Rip Hamilton Choosing a Mask
iPhone 3.0 to Allow 'Find My Phone' Feature!
Georgian City Councilman Resign after Playing Racist Game

Sheep Playing Pong
Awesome video of sheep strapped with LED lights to look like they are playing pong.
Metal Gear Solid Now Available for iPhone
Here are some images of the new Metal Gear Solid Game for the iPhone. It looks pretty impressive for an iPhone game. It costs $8 in the App store and takes up 90 MB. When you load the game, there are instructions on how to move Snake.

...how to aim (drag your finger), fire (tap), shoot long-range (you pinch your fingers together), and switch weapons. It'll also explain Snake's life meter, friends, enemies, and little rubber duckies that randomly pop up on the screen (they restore your life). [Kotaku via Gizmodo]
Chopsticks Aide Allows You to Use Chopsticks as a Fork

I don't think I've ever come across a situation where I couldn't find a fork and was forced to use chopsticks, but I guess this would be useful for that and for helping people who don't know how to use chopstick but don't want to use a normal fork. [Gizmodo]
Robo Fish Detects Pollutants
This robotic carp is being deployed to detect the levels of pollutants in different parts of the ocean. And no, not just one, but a whole school of robotic carp. Each one costs about $30k. They require no human remote control. Instead they move around on their own collecting information. When their battery is low, they return to the docking station for a recharge.
Internet Explorer 8 Now Available
Undo Closed Tabs on Firefox

Honda Accord Ad
Check out this British ad for the Honda Accord. Here's the scoop:
There are no computer graphics or digital tricks in these images. Everything that you see happened in real time exactly as you see it. The recording required 606 takes.
The recording cost 6 million dollars and it took 3 months to finish, including the engineering design of the sequence. The duration of the video is only 2 minutes, but every time that Honda shows the commercial on British television, they make enough money to support any of us for the rest of our lives. However, this commercial has turned out to be the most displayed in the history of the Internet. Honda execs think that it will pay for itself simply because of the free showings
When Honda senior execs viewed it, they immediately approved it without hesitation - including costs. There are only six Honda Accords built by hand in the whole world, and to the horror of Honda engineers, the recording team disassembled two of them for the recording. Everything you see in the sequence (besides the walls, floor, ramp and untouched Honda Accord) is part of those two automobiles.
The commercial was so well received by Honda execs when they saw it, that their first comment was how amazing the computer graphics were. They almost fell out of their chairs when told that the recording was real without any graphics manipulation.
Follow NCAA Tournament Action with Google

Google Chrome Experiments
Chrome has gotten plenty of updates, this video shows off some of the cool things Google's been working on.
Undo Send [Not an April Fool's Joke Anymore]

Last year, Gmail's April Fool's joke was undo send. This would give you the ability to undo a sent message. I'm sure everyone has had the "oops" moment where you realize that you sent something to the wrong person or forgot to add something in the message. Well, luckily, now you can undo send.
Go into Google Labs and enable the feature (yes, it's real). Undo Send gives you about 5 seconds to undo a sent email. Soon as you hit send a "sending...cancel" label comes up. If you hit cancel, it'll cancel. A moment after that, you'll see a undo send link that will be there for a good 5 seconds. Plenty of time to realize your mistake. Thank you Google for improving Gmail once again.
My only question is whether or not this mean that google "holds" your mail from being sent for 5 seconds, or does it actually stop/cancel/erase the email from the other person's inbox? Either way, pretty cool.
Presidents: They're Just Like Us!
President Obama took the time out of his busy economy-fixing schedule Tuesday to fill out his NCAA Tournament bracket with Andy Katz of ESPN.com. He even submitted it to the website just like millions of other people (if he wins, I'm petitioning my local Congressman for an investigation). You can see Katz's interview (and bracket-filling) with the President on Sportscenter at noon today.
I feel like Obama's philosophy about his job is a little like my boss's: work hard, watch sports hard(er). I wonder if he has a Kegerator in the Oval Office. Probably not - it must be in Rahm's office.
For the record: Obama's Final Four? Louisville, Pitt, Memphis and UNC. Just like mine.
UPDATE: Mr. President picked North Carolina to take it all. It's like I'm finding new reasons to love this man every damn day. Oh, and if you happened to think that he had some college-age White House intern make all his picks and then passed them off as his, think again. (Great article.)
Paper Yoshimoto Cubes Demonstration
Paper Cubes from Rajiv Shah on Vimeo.
Rajiv Shah shows off the mind boggling 3-D paper cubes known as Yoshimoto Cubes. You've seen this in a previous video, this one's made from paper.
New Apple iPhone OS 3.0
...and a LOT more features in 3.0.
Notes Sync, audio/video tags, live streaming, shake to shuffle, Wi-Fi auto login, Stereo Bluetooth, LDAP, iTunes account creation, YouTube ratings, Anti-Philshing, Call Log, Parental Controls, Media Scrubber, OTA profiles, VPN on demand, Languages, YouTube subscriptions, YouTube accounts and Encrypted profiles. Also, auto-fills. The biggest addition here is probably Stereo Bluetooth A2DP support.
You can also copy and paste web content. The phone uses the same analytics engine in Safari that they do for zooming in order to know which selection to select for copying. Yes, HTML paste for copying. If you didn’t mean to paste something, shake your phone in order to Undo (or Redo) your paste. [Gizmodo]

"Now as I said before, 3.0 brings a lot of new features for devs, but for customers as well... starting... with cut, copy, and paste." -Scott Forstall
Apple is going to enhance the app store. For example, if a magazine wants to create a subscription based app, they will be able to do so. So you can buy 6 issues for say $5. Or add 10 game levels for $2. Etc... [Gizmodo]
Scott Forstall, SVP of iPhone Software has unveiled the new iPhone OS 3.0