All I Want For Christmas is This Awesome Beer Dispenser
Fills from the bottom-up!
Music Videos: Dr. Dre feat. Snoop Dogg & Akon
Finally the first official music video off of Dr. Dre's upcoming (hopefully!) Detox album.
You Play a Sport Where You Kick a Ball
...and some of them can't even do that right. Sucks to be this guy.
This is How You Promote an Album!
Just walk around scaring people into buying it. Hey, it works for the GOP.
Movie Trailers: Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon
What a gay title. It should have been Transformers 3: The One Where Michael Bay Goes Back in Time to Ruin Great Events in America's History.
Carl Crawford Officially a Dick

I mean a Red Sock. Same thing. He should have left the division and played in the warm weather for the Angels. $142 Million dollars over 7 years. Yankees react by offering Cliff Lee 7 year options.
Sharks Win in Shootout after Crazy Overtime
You hardly see hockey posts here, but this game was absolutely insane. San Jose score the first goal of the game, but then proceeded to give up four to the Flyers. They eventually battled back and tied the game up in the third. OVERTIME.
Skip to about the 4 minute mark. With the clock ticking down in OT, the Flyers took a shot just as the clock expired to win it. It went in, the crowd went nuts, the players celebrated. But upon further review, the puck did not cross the goal line before time had expired, in fact a clear shot shows the puck head of the red goal line with the clock at 0.0.
Sharks would eventually win it in a shootout, 5-4.
They Took Let it Be a Little Too Seriously
WTF?? Most random group of celebrities digitally compiled onto one green screened beach. So weird.
Mega Shark Returns, Takes on Urkel
Mega Shark vs. Crocosaurus
starring Jaleel White
1000 Song Rock Band Marathon for Charity
Donations are given to Child's Play.
Angry Birds in Stop Motion Action
Angry Birds Animation from Gregory Cortez on Vimeo.
POTD: Yankees Comeback!
Will Ferrell is Rojo Johnson
Will Ferrell as Rojo Johnson, pitcher for the Round Rock Express team last night.
Batch 19

Bath 19 is Coors' pre-Prohibition (a 91 year old recipe) brew that's being brought back. It's described as a hoppy flavor that is surprisingly well balanced. It'll be available on tap at certain bars in Chicago, San Fran, San Jose, DC and Milwaukee (whaa?? no NY??)
Movie Trailers: Kick-Ass (Red Band Trailer)
So this is not a "Coming soon, get excited!" post (it came out today). It's a "This version of the trailer is fucking awesome" post. And now I want to see this movie very badly. Despite Nicolas Cage.
Lost Polar Beer Pint Glasses

Polar Beer Pint Glasses feature a polar bear in the front and a Dharma Initiative logo on the back. They sell for $9 each. [ianleino]
Quote of the Day: Steve Jobs on the iPad

“If our competitors ever introduce a competitor to the iPad, they’ll be hoping they can get 3500 apps within the first year. We got 3500 apps in the first week. It stands on the shoulders of 85 million people out there who already know how to use it because they used an iPod touch or an iPhone."
How Does Multitasking Work on the New iPhone OS 4.0?

Check out Gizmodo for the full rundown on how Multitasking works on iPhone OS 4.0.
For the user, multitasking works transparently. You will be able to answer an incoming SMS, or chat with a friend, or answer a call and keep playing the game you left to do any of those tasks. You will be able to upload photos to Flickr but you won't need to keep Flickr open. The Flickr application will keep uploading those photos while you go to read your email or check the weather.
The user interface to manage all this running apps at the same time is quite simple: Double-clicking the home button will open a tray showing all running applications. Switching to another running app is as simple as clicking on it.
Here's one example: If you are working on email and there's a link to a web page, clicking on that link will open Safari. In previous versions, that will close Mail and launch Safari. Once you were done watching that web page, you would close Safari, get back to the main iPhone menu, click on the Mail, and go back to your mail.
In this new version, however, Mail keeps running—turning into a dormant state—and Safari opens. To go back to Mail, you just double-click the home button: A dock will slide in from the bottom of the page, showing the running apps. Click on any app to switch to the app.
iPhone OS 4.0 Coming this Summer

The iPhone OS 4.0 will come out this Summer. Dev Testing is now available. It will be most useful to users with current gadgets, iPhone 3GS and 3rd Gen. iPod touch.
The iPhone 3G and second gen. iPod touch won't have certain features such as multitasking. I think its time to upgrade...

Unfortunately iPad users will have to wait til Fall for OS 4.0 to come to the iPad. Good thing I didn't get one yet...
iPhone OS 4.0: iAds

Mobile Advertising will be on the new iPhone OS. Steve Jobs: "You know the ads on the web -- they're eye catching and interactive, but they don't deliver emotion. What we want to do with iAds is deliver interaction and emotion... Because iAd is in the iPhone OS itself, we have figured out how to do interactive and video content without ever taking you out of the app."
This would mean a good chunk of profits for developers with no hosting required. Remember this event is for Devs.
Ad for the new Toy Story 3:

The ads are 100% interactive and open like an app within an app. You can do dozens of things inside this ad, watch the trailer, play games, buy other apps, find theaters where the movie is playing, etc...

Nike's ad lets you make your own NikeID and shoes.

iPhone OS 4.0: Game Center

There's a new Game Center for the iPhone. Since it has been so popular as a gaming platform, Apple has created a Game Center that allows you to connect with other users, store your achievements and climb leaderboards.
iPhone OS 4.0: Enterprise

Enterprise helps with some of your work related issues using the current iPhone OS. You'll be able to get more work done on it than ever before.
iPhone OS 4.0: iBooks

iBooks will now be available on the iPhone. I'm sure no one will bother to read novels on this thing, but it could be useful for comic books. Oh and Winnie the Pooh is free.
iPhone OS 4.0: Better Mail

New mail features on the new OS will allow you to have all your inboxes in one list and the ability to organize your inbox by the thread (Gmail style). You can also have more than one Exchange folder. You can open attachments with other apps you have.
iPhone OS 4.0: Folders

You can now create folders for apps.

The folder will look like a normal app, but will show the apps inside the phone on the icon.
This allows more room for apps, currently you can have up to 180 apps, now that number goes well beyond 2000.
VOIP Enabled in iPhone OS 4.0

iPhone OS 4.0 to Have Multitasking and 100 New Features

Multitasking will be one of the 7 tentpole features that should keep the iPhone at the top level for mobile formats. Steve Jobs: "Now we weren't the first to this party, but we're gonna be the best. Just like cut and paste."

The iPhone will have a dock for multitasking. So as you jump from app to app, the old tasks stay in the dock. Its 100% seamless and easy, but apparently the best part is that it will keep your battery life at bay. Unlike the palm os.
Apple to Introduce iPhone OS 4.0 Today!
Multitasking will be the big addition for the updated os. Which for me would make buying the iPad worth it.
Donovan McNabb Traded to Washington Redskins
According to ESPN, the Eagles have traded McNabb to the Washington Redskins for 2 future draft picks. [ESPN]
Lady Gaga's Poker Face Made with 4 iPhones
Now only if there was multitasking, you might only need one phone to do the same thing.
Health Care Reform: What Up With That?
Well, all signs point to a health care reform bill being passed, possibly/probably as soon as this weekend. Up until about twenty minutes or so ago, I had no idea who is gonna be voting on what, which bill was being passed in which house and how, what will be reconciled with who, or when the doctor is going to insert his what in my where. I'm sure many of you are with me in my confusion.
So I did the old reliable cursory internet research. And now I think I have quite the handle on things. I thought I'd share.
Here are some helpful links to help get you up to speed... Reading these won't take you more than the twenty minutes it took me to read and compile, I promise. It's all awfully informative and will surely allow you to partake in some delightfully pretentious conversation at your upcoming cocktail parties:
Health care news from today
The "self-executing rule." WTF?
"Reconciliation." WTF?
A summary of how everything will likely play out
(Thank the Good Lord for About.com!)
Boy, if those Dems don't get this thing passed right now, they damn sure deserve one of these:

A-Team Box Set Comes in the A-Team Van

The A-Team Box set is awesome. It has the entire series on DVD and comes in an awesome package, yep the A-Team van! You can buy it now for $90. [Uncrate] via [A-Team]
Keyboard Cat 2k10! (Keyboard Cat Lives On!)
Get played off in 2010? You'll need this reincarnated keyboard cat for that!
Impersonations: Christopher Walken and Jack Nicholson in Willy Wonka
Brandon Hardesty impersonates Christopher Walken and Jack Nicholson in a scene from Willy Wonka. The characters are perfect.
Who Says You Can't Type on a Touch Screen Faster Than a Hard Keyboard
Heck, you probably can't even type this fast on an regular keyboard, let alone your stupid blackberry.

Here's the DIY for turning your old piece of crap PC into a Hookah. [Instructables]
Lego Star Wars Watches

Are you a fan of Legos? And a fan of Star Wars? Well, if you have $22, you can get one of these fancy Lego Star Wars Watches. If you've got $30, you can get slightly better, more mature, looking ones. [StarWarsShop]
Movie Trailers: Last Call
Last call is an interactive movie in which the viewers get a phone call from the protagonist in the film. From there on out, the viewer with the cell phone directs the character on how to react to certain situations (left or right, upstairs or downstairs). Depending on the reactions by the viewer, the film's direction and ending change.
Audience members supply their cell numbers at the beginning of the screening and, at one point in the movie, one phone is selected to receive a call from the character on screen. Voice recognition software listens for the moviegoer's commands and the story unfolds based on their instructions. From the looks of things it seems like it's a "left" or "right," "stay" or "flee" type of thing, so your exhortations for the main character to take off her clothes will likely go unfulfilled. [Gizmodo]
WOOO! Steam Coming to Mac in April!

Steam is coming to Macs next month and so we'll be able to play Left 4 Dead, Counter-Strike, Portal and Team Fortress! [Gizmodo]
24 Secret Restaurant Menus

Coupon Sherpa has compiled a list of 24 secret menus from various restaurants with plenty of items you won't find on their menus. Most of them aren't great for you, but some are awesome.
Suite Arrival Sents Your Toilet Kit to Your Destination

Suite Arrival is a website that sells travel sized toiletries to wherever you are going. You don't have to worry about bringing a 1 quart bag with items of less than 3 oz. in them to get through the TSA security checks at airports, just have travel sized items waiting for you at your hotel or other destination. They carry everything from first aid kits to shampoo and shaving gear to baby needs.
Simply buy the items on their website and you'll have a kit waiting for you when you get there. As long as you purchase the items 2 days prior to your arrival, shipping will be $5 (free with purchase of over $50). If it's within 48 hours, they'll charge you a fee.
I'll have to try this out on my next trip.[Suite Arrival]
Lego Star Wars Stop Motion Action
Awesome-o. It's so good, if it was a full length movie, I'd watch it!
Sage Grouse No Longer Endangered
The damn thing looks like a fugly turkey that could poison me. Today, the Interior Department, the group that decided on whether or not an animal is on the endangered species list, decided that this bird thingy isn't endangered or threatened. Let the hunting begin...
POTD: Today's Tee Fury Tee

This is today's teefury.com t-shirt. You have less than 13 hours to get one for $9. It reminds me I have to do laundry...
So does Superman apparently.
New York-Mexican Times???

Shares of New York Times Co. (NYT 11.33, +0.39, +3.57%) jumped on Monday on market rumors that Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim will seek to acquire the company. [Marketwatch]