Transformers 2's 1 Minute Misses the Spot
Sure plenty of people say the new Transformers movie stunk. They aren't far off. The movie was decent in my opinion. But lets face it, the video above isn't all there is in the movie. People went to see the film for multiple reasons: Megan Fox, the transformers franchise, Megan Fox, devastator, Megan Fox, that kid with the yellow rose for Megan Fox, Bumblebee in action stripping the "skin" off that jaguar transformer's backbone, Megan Fox, stupid Shia LaBeouf who can't say "I love you" to Megan Fox when every guy in the world is saying it, Transformer's strawberry peanut butter M&Ms, Megan Fox, Peter Cullen's voice as Optimus Prime, Arcee getting killed, Megan Fox, Mudflap and Skids, MEGAN FOX, MEGAN FOX!!!!
Get a f'ing clue!!!
Movie Trailers: Skank Robbers
Starring Martin Lawrence and Jamie Foxx.
I don't know if this is real, but it's pretty funny for 5 minutes.
NBA 2k10 Anniversary Edition is Awesome (For Kobe Fans)

NBA 2k10 comes out in October and a special 10 year anniversary edition has been revealed. If you're a die hard Kobe Bryant fan, you might just explode. If you have no feelings towards (or hate him (ie Boston, Orlando, Philly fans)) the NBA Finals MVP, you probably won't care.
For $99, you get the game (X-Box 360 or PS3 versions), a Shepard Fairey (maker of famous Obama Hope poster) poster of Kobe, a Todd MacFarlane figure of Kobe and a game locker that can hold 20 games. You also get a DVD exploring the 10 years of the 2k series (zzZZzzZZ) and access to the "Gold Room," which is basically a 2k VIP area.

Yao Ming might be out for all of the 2009-10 season. That's not that bad, especially when you consider the fact that he could very well be out permanantly and his career could be dunzo. [ESPN] [Yahoo Sports]
Stacks for Jailbroken iPhone
It seems easy enough, there's no reason why its not available on all iPhones.
For Our Long Lost Friend Steven Tai: MyDeskFriend
MyDeskFriend is a chargeable desktop penguin to keep you from getting too bored at work. It's got 5 different moods and has physical inputs to connect to Facebook. It is meant to be a social networking companion as it can read messages to you from your Facebook. It can also memorize vocal commands.

It launches in September for $99. You know you want one. So does Steven Tai. [MyDeskFriend]
Music Videos: Kanye West - Street Lights
Kanye West - Street Lights [OFFICIAL VIDEO] from Burnocchio Story. on Vimeo.
Not 100% sure this is the official video, but it looks cool if it is.
Hit and Miss Advertising by Palm

I was thinking for a while about how to post this, and then the iPhone Blog did such a good job of it, I didn't want to change it. [the iPhone Blog]
Sprint and the Palm Pre just decided to bring it to Apple’s iPhone via a perfectly nifty, if factually inaccurate(1), little ad-esque banner posted on Facebook. PreCentral.net already pipped us to the relevant quote post, citing McNamee’s infamous CEOh-snap moment from the past:
You know the beautiful thing: June 29, 2009, is the two- year anniversary of the first shipment of the iPhone, [...] Not one of those people will still be using an iPhone a month later.
The relative thriftiness of constraining their marketing budget to a Facebook fan-base aside, does it really behoove Palm to remind iPhone 2G owners that their contracts are up, right after 1,000,000 people jumped on the iPhone 3GS last weekend alone?
How does that compare to Palm Pre numbers to date?
That’s what we thought…
- The iPhone multitasks iPod, Mail, Phone, Safari iTunes, and App Store, phenomenally well — the iPhone 3GS more snappily than the arguably laggy Palm Pre. Apple simply chooses not to allow 3rd party multitasking at this point, something that admittedly chaffs, but is still a far cry from what’s insinuated in the “ad”.
A Bold, iPhone and Pre Walk into a Bar

It is a Friday night after a long week. Three "Amigos" decide to get together for an after work evening of drinks and catching up. Now, these three friends have a long history with one another - a history of trying to one-up each other about pretty much everything.
So a Blackberry Bold, Apple iPhone and Palm Pre walk into a bar...[Crackberry]
Bruno Scene Cut Out After Death of Michael Jackson
I expect it to be on the DVD/Blu-Ray. [Telegraph]
TMZ: Cops Searching for Jackson's Doctor
We've learned law enforcement is looking for a doctor who lived at Michael Jackson's home -- and the doctor is nowhere to be found. Law enforcement sources tell us a BMW belonging to the doctor was towed from Jackson's home last night. Cops are looking to interview the doc. A law enforcement source says the doctor gave Jackson an injection before he died. Jackson reportedly may have OD'd on Demerol. As we first reported, family members were concerned that Jackson was taking too much morphine. [TMZ]
Perez Hilton's Douchebag Status on the Rise

Before Jackson was officially declared dead, this is what Hilton posted on his blog along with the picture above:
We knew something like this would happen!!
Michael Jackson was taken by ambulance from his Holmby Hills home to a nearby Los Angeles hospital on Thursday afternoon!!
Supposedly, the singer went into cardiac arrest and the paramedics had to administer CPR!!!
His mother is even on the way to visit him!!!
We are dubious!!
Jacko pulled a similar stunt when he was getting ready for his big HBO special in ‘95 when he "collapsed" at rehearsal!
He was dragging his heels on that just like his upcoming 50 date London residency at the 02 Arena, of which he already postponed the first few dates!!!
Either he's lying or making himself sick, but we're curious to see if he's able to go on!!!
Get your money back, ticket holders!!!!
After the official word of his death:
Michael Jackson was taken by ambulance from his Holmby Hills home to a nearby Los Angeles hospital on Thursday afternoon!!
The singer went into cardiac arrest and the paramedics had to administer CPR!!!
His mother is even on the way to visit him!!!
Where is that Black Eyed Peas manager?
Entertainment Tonight is First to Release Photo of Michael Jackson Dead

Nas & Damian Marley - Distant Relatives
NAS & DAMIAN "JR GONG" MARLEY DISTANT RELATIVES preview from nabil elderkin on Vimeo.
[KanYe West Blog]
The Roots Debut New Single "How I Got Over"
On Jimmy Fallon, The Roots debuted their new single "How I Got Over" off the upcoming album by the same name.
Michael Jackson Dead at 50
We've just learned Michael Jackson has died. He was 50. Michael suffered a cardiac arrest earlier this afternoon at his Holmby Hills home and paramedics were unable to revive him. We're told when paramedics arrived Jackson had no pulse and they never got a pulse back. A source tells us Jackson was dead when paramedics arrived. Once at the hospital, the staff tried to resuscitate him but he was completely unresponsive. We're told one of the staff members at Jackson's home called 911. LaToya ran in the hospital sobbing after Jackson was pronounced dead. Michael is survived by three children: Michael Joseph Jackson, Jr., Paris Michael Katherine Jackson and Prince "Blanket" Michael Jackson II. [TMZ]
Time For Me to Ditch My Blackberry: iPhone Porn Approved!
Some of you iPhoners might already be familiar with the "Hottest Girls" app, which I guess just lets you (lets one?/lets society?) download and rate pictures of hot girls in bikinis and lingerie via the beloved mobile device. I personally wouldn't know anything about that because I am a decent and wholesome young man (oh, and I don't have an iPhone). Plus, it sounds like a pointless and shitty app anyway.
Well, that's all about to change, as Apple has given the go-ahead for Hottest Girls to throw pictures of topless girls into the mix too. Porn addicts,
Expect to begin seeing more iBones... err... iPhones in dark alleys and late-night subway trains everywhere.
PSX on the iPhone
I now have psx4iphone running very speedy on the 3GS. It’s at the point where Final Fantasy 7 is fullspeed at very least without sound. The build is rough around the edges, as you can’t switch games without restarting the emulator, and only memory card saves are currently working, no save states just yet. Both these issues are being worked on. [ZodTTD]
Woman Exchanges Chips for Oral Sex

This is Lahoma Sue Smith. She is an idiot.
Besides being an idiot, this woman is a prostitute. She accepted a case of Frito-Lay chips for giving a man oral sex. The gentleman she pleasured was an employee of the Frito-Lay company and did not have money for the "job" and so he offered to pay her with a case of chips. She agreed. Then she got busted and admitted to having prior prostitution arrests. Wait, wait, wait. Someone actually paid this woman for sex? If you're going to be a dirtbag and pay for a hooker, do you really want it to look like this woman? Have some class damnit! Learn how to spend your money better! [The Smoking Gun]

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP) -- The Academy Awards are doubling the number of best-picture nominees from five to 10.
You know what if you're willing to go from five to 10, why not just make every movie a nominee and get rid of the whole nomination process. Just have one winner at the end, unless you want to have a Silver and Bronze place winner as well.
Charge Your iPhone Without the Wires

Using the Wildcharge pad and Wildcharge black matte cases for the iPhone and iPod Touch, you can charge your gadget by simply placing it on the pad. So while the pad has to be plugged in, your iPhone or iPod don't. The cases are available now for $35 each. If you wait until July, you can pick up the combo pack of the pad and case for $80. [WildCharge]
Not so Illegal Way to use Tethering with iPhone 3.0
It's still unknown if AT&T will charge any fees for this, but many people have found ways to make the still unavailable tethering on iPhone's 3.0 firmware...available. It's a small short hack, but if it works for free it would probably top my list of favorite things on the iPhone 3.0 firmware. Choose the provider and country and then enable tethering on the iPhone. Follow the above video on how to configure tethering.
Basically, on Safari on the iPhone, you go to:
Choose the provider and country and then enable tethering on the iPhone. Follow the above video on how to configure tethering.[Gizmodo]
UPDATE: AT&T did not charge any sort of fee for the tethering!!!!!
Either Jared from Subway is a Huslter or Blake Griffin Doesn't Deserve to be in the NBA
The sure to be #1 overall pick in Thursday's NBA draft, Blake Griffin, lost to Jared, the Subway guy, in a game of Horse.
Taking Shots at iPhone 3GS
Yeah...1 million sold in 3 days...
Oh yea and 12% of new iPhone 3GS users ditched their Blackberry's...28% of them ditched their old phone company for AT&T.
If the HTC Hero Was a Super Hero, Would it be the Flash?

Meet the new HTC Hero. It runs Google's Android OS. It looks pretty good and there are videos popping up everywhere showing it off. First off, it's available with an aluminum body. The screen is super responsive, even when using multi-touch gestures (much like the iPhone). It's got all the widgets you expect on just about all phones these days.

But the biggest part of the phone is the supposed built-in flash support. Earlier, Adobe released information saying that they will release Flash for mobile in October of this year (one of the most wanted features on all mobile phones). According to people who have played with the HTC Hero, the flash is there, even though it is a little buggy and could use much improvement. Still, a great phone, running a great OS, with flash built-in is enough to sell this thing fast. Faster than the flash? We'll see. [HTC Hero]
iPod Saves Girl's Life, Twitter Kills Teen's
A teenage girl suffered burns when a lightning bolt was diverted through her iPod as she sheltered from a storm.
Sophie Frost, 14, and her boyfriend Mason Billington, also 14, sheltered under a tree in King George V Playing Field, in Rayleigh, Essex, during a thunder storm on Monday night.
Lightning struck and Sophie passed out as the current travelled through her iPod headphones, which were hanging from her school uniform, burning her chest and stomach.
Although his eyesight was affected by the bolt, Mason put Sophie over his shoulder and carried her to nearby Websters Way to get help. [AP]
Apple better give this girl a new iPod. It's the least they could do. Thanks to her they can officially confirm that iPod's do save lives (from lightning), just like seat belts (inside cars from lightning)!
Twitter on the other hand hasn't been as much of a lifesaver. 17 year-old Maria Barbu of Romania was twittering while in her bathtub. When she tried to reach the outlet to plug in her laptop, she was fatally electrocuted. [Aussie Times]
If Only I Could Parallel Park Like This
That is some impressive tricks with an RC car.

Your Internet Explorer sucks! It's bloated and sucks up people's ram without giving them much of anything. Take a hint. Stop[ trying to compete against other browsers that are more open and useful to users. But most of all, stop lying to us in these BS charts.
Thank you,
Everyone who has ever used Firefox or Chrome.
Gears of War 2 on Dallas Cowboys Big Screen
Yea, don't expect to play your X-Box 360 on anything even remotely close to this 162' x 72' LED 1080p tv.
Movie Trailers: Cold Souls
Paul Giamatti as Paul Giamatti. Directed by Sophie Barthes.
Samsung Shows off OLED Passport
It's basically an id that is flexible and has an OLED screen with a animated image of yourself that rotates. Pretty cool, but how useful is it compared to the cost of making it?
Get Me One of These For Christmas!
Ah, the hassle of making coffee. So time consuming. Why not have a robot do the work for you?
Sirius XM Radio App Available for iPhone

The Sirius XM Radio App is now available (finally) for the iPhone. The app is for free and so is the subscription...for 7 days. Users will have to pay $3 a month to use the service after the initial 7 day trial period. Current Sirius XM users can log in using their Premium Subscription to use the app along with their other car or home kit satellite radio kit. Now, normally, a Sirius XM subscription costs $7 a month. So why would anyone pay $7 for something they can have on the go for $3? Well, because although the app brings Sirius XM to your iPhone, it doesn't bring Howard Stern and nearly the entire sports side of satellite radio.
Some select programming, including MLB® Play-by-Play, NFL Play-by-Play, SIRIUS NASCAR® Radio, and Howard Stern, will not be available on the iPhone and iPod touch. Listeners will continue to be able to access that programming through the platforms they are currently offered on.
What a bunch of bull! Without this programming, I might as well listen to my iPod! I would have totally paid $3 a month, but without the sports action and Howard Stern, this app became totally not worth it! [iPhone blog]
5.11 Tactical LED Flashlight

The 5.11 Tactical LED Flashlight is pretty cool. It re-charges in 90 seconds and that battery lasts for 90 minutes per charge. The maker says it is good for 50,000 charges. It also comes with a 12V car charger to use as a backup. It's on sale now for $170. [Tactical via Gizmodo]
Buzz Lightyear Toy Responds to Voice Commands
Buzz Lightyear Robot Toy from Gizmodo on Vimeo.
Che's Granddaughter Poses for PETA [Nothing but a Beret On]

Lydia Guevara, Che Guevara's granddaughter is posing nude for PETA. Well, she's wearing a beret and is covered up in vegetables, but what did you expect, people aren't even nude in Playboy anymore (no offense to Olivia Munn)! But the nudity isn't the point!
The campaign is called "Start a Vegetarian Revolution" [Animal]
POTD: The Cops, Somebody Call Them

MLB at Bat for iPhone: Where Baseball is Live!

Kobe on Conan O'Brien
Dear Kobe Bryant,
Suit up next time! NBA dress code and all...
AT&T Offers Free Wifi Hot-Spot Auto-Authentication
iPhone 3.0 users will have access to free auto-authenticated wifi hot-spots. Basically this means when you walk into a Starbucks, your phone will be connected to the wifi.
Got the new iPhone OS 3.0? Now what?
Well, now that you've got the iPhone 3.0 software and you've played around with the copy and paste, spotlight and the landscape keyboard, you probably wouldn't bother to search for more features. But there are a TON of them. There are about 100 hidden (or not yet sought) features that have been updated thanks to 3.0. Here are some of them:
- You can send as many pictures as you want in Mail. usually you can only "share" 5. this still holds true but with copy and paste you can copy as many photos as you want into the mail app.
- When logging on to a secure website the Name of the site turns green and has a lock on it. (Feel free to shop on your iPhone.)
- You have the option to forward a contact on to someone now when you view their contact details.
- it shows which phone (mobile, home) or location (Orlando, FL, etc) you dialed under the number or name in Recents
- now there is a different way to force quit apps. now you have to hold the sleep/wake button until the red slider appears, then you hold down the home button to quit the app
- you can now type all emoji icons when in landscape. previously, the landscape keyboard would cut some of the icons off.
- you can now turn off the second SMS message alert
- In the settings -> general -> home button you can now set the double click to the new search feature or the camera
- you can shake to undo typing (when typing) or shake to shuffle (when playing music).
Check the full list at the MacRumors Forums.
Diorama for iPhone
Looks neat and creative. Sells for $.99 at the app store.
Apple Predicting to Sell Half Million iPhone 3GSs
Looks like Apple is hoping to sell about a half million iPhones this weekend alone. The demand isn't as great as it was for the 3G. I'm guessing this is mostly because of the price drop that came with the release of the iPhone 3G. Also, I don't see most 3G users shelling out another 200 bucks (at least) to get the 3GS.
Researchers are saying that Apple expects to have 7 million total iPhone users by September and have their shares go up to $180. [AppleInsider]
AT&T Extends iPhone Discounts to More Customers
Basically, if you will be eligible for iPhone upgrade between now and September, you can get the new iPhone 3GS (or the 3G) for the discounted prices. They will offer MMS for no additional charge later this summer and tethering will be enabled on the network for a fee, no word on exact pricing or release date yet.
MLB at Bat App to Stream Live Full Games over 3G!

In truly historic fashion, the MLB at Bat app will begin streaming full LIVE games over 3G networks tomorrow. Soon after the 3.0 firmware hits today, the app will have the capacity to do the streaming.
If you remember, back in March, the CBS Sports app allowed users to stream live NCAA basketball games for March Madness over the iPhone using a wifi connection. However, the fact that MLB will stream over 3G makes the app 100% portable. Practically anywhere you go (except the subway I guess) you can watch a full game! Making the $10 app totally worth it considering you can get gameday audio and updated scores highlights and play-by-play as well.
If you're a baseball fan, the first game will be at 2:20 EST between the Chicago White Sox and Chicago Cubs followed by the Detroit Tigers and St. Louis Cardinals at 8:20 EST.
If you're not a baseball fan, just think what this could mean for the future of TV. Tivo got rid of the time restraint for watching your favorite shows. This could very well mean that shows could be streamed live as well! [Gizmodo]
Let Homer Simpson be Your Alligator
Tom Tom is offering the voice of Homer Simpson on their GPS's to help you "navigate" your way through unknown territory. Not the greatest idea, since you'll probably start laughing instead of finding your way home. [Tom Tom]
T-Mobile myTouch 3G (aka G2) Coming This Summer

Looks a lot better than the G1 that's for sure! Of course it will run Android and be the hottest thing on T-Mobile since...G1. [Gizmodo]
What Happens When 2,000 People Listen to the Same MP3
The Improv Everywhere experiment Hit Roosevelt Island where 2,000 people pressed play to the same MP3 at the same time. The voice, Steve, guided them on their adventure.
The Improv Everywhere group has done experiments such as the time freeze in Grand Central and the Underwear Subway Ride.
MapQuest Releases MapQuest 4 Mobile

MapQuest 4 Mobile is now available as an app in the iTunes App store. It provides a decent alternative to the native Google Maps. The one thing I noticed was that address support was not available. Outside of that it works pretty well. You can save a page of widgets in the app (up to 20) which may come in handy when you're on the road. It even has a navigation type mode when you hold the phone in landscape mode. Best of all, the app is free. Here's a silent video of the app in action: MapQuest 4 Mobile.

Another Wonderful Career Comes to an End...err...Goes to the Raiders
ESPN is reporting that former Dallas Cowboys linebacker Greg Ellis has come to an agreement over a 3 year contract with the Oakland Raiders. Ellis was released by the Cowboys on June 2nd.
MMS on iPhone Won't Cost Extra!

AT&T has already said that they would enable MMS later this summer on their network. When exactly? Who knows. But what we do know today is that all that MMSing won't cost you anything extra.
Later this summer, as part of the 3.0 software, AT&T will make multimedia messaging (MMS) available at no extra cost to customers with a text messaging bundle.
[The iPhone blog][AT&T FAQ page]