Batman Comic Auction Beats Out Superman Record
Posted by
3:20 PM
Detective Comics #27, the first comic featuring Batman sold for$1,075,500, beating out the $1M that was paid for the first comic featuring Superman, Action Comics #1, just a few days ago. It is now the highest paid bid for a comic book.
Morgan Freeman Talks About How We All View the Olympics
Posted by
2:36 PM
Morgan Freeman's New Olympics Commercial - watch more funny videos
Cavs Give Away Snuggie, Varejao Continues Decline into Femininity
Posted by
1:08 PM

The Cavs are giving away a authentic Snuggie featuring their logo and colors to the fans in attendance for their game on March 5.
An anticipated sellout crowd of 20,562 fans will receive a complimentary limited edition Cleveland Cavaliers Snuggie™ blanket courtesy of KeyBank that will be conveniently draped over every seat in the arena. Fans will be asked to wear their Snuggie™ blanket for the first five minutes of the game. In attendance will be Guinness World Records® Adjudicator Danny Girton who will then officially certify the new record. Once the record is achieved, every fan will receive a commemorative magnet certificate that will acknowledge they are a Guinness World Record holder. [Cavs]
Lightsaber USB Drive, May 1 GB be With You
Posted by
12:46 PM

This lightsaber won't help with the force, but you can use it to carry around 1 GB of data. A bit pricey at $20. [ThinkGeek]
PopCap Games Nets $1M with Plants vs. Zombies on iPhone
Posted by
12:35 PM

PopCap Games released Plants vs. Zombies on February 15th for the cheap price of $2.99 for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Today, they announced that they have reached the $1 Million mark.
Considering they sold 300,000 downloads in the first nine days and it takes 335,000 to reach $1 Million, they are probably way past that mark.
Talk about easy, take a great game for mac and pc and port it over to the iPhone and make an extra mil.
Final Fantasy 1 & 2 Available for iPhone
Posted by
12:30 PM

Final Fantasy 1 and 2 are now available for the iPhone in the app store. They cost $9 each. Both are packed with bonus dungeons for extra gameplay.

Clink Room One in One-Fifty Caps
Posted by
3:58 PM

The Clink Room One in One-Fifty Caps are limited edition (only 150 of each, each is hand numbered) baseball caps made my New Era. They pay tribute to major and minor league baseball franchises. The name of the caps comes from the sound of beer bottles clinking together. They range in price from $25-$45 and are all fitted and selling out fast. [Clink Room]
Local Sports Anchor Under Arrest for Raping Underage Prostitute
Posted by
1:50 PM
One-time sports anchor Marvell Scott is under arrest on rape charges. WCBS-TV reports Scott, formerly with WABC-TV/Channel 7, surrendered to police this morning.
Police say Scott raped a 14-year-old prostitute in his Midtown Manhattan apartment.
Scott was scheduled to face a judge Tuesday afternoon. His attorney, according to WCBS, says Scott is the victim of a shakedown by two prostitutes and a pimp.
Scott, who turns 37 on February 28, left WABC in May initially believed to be on an extended vacation. However, he never returned. Instead, Scott went on to pursue a medical practice. Dr. Marvell Scott specializes in sports medicine.
He told the Daily News in June that he was in the final stages of his education and a fellowship at Robert Wood Johnson Hospital in Hamilton, N.J.
Jeezus, this story has everything, a sports anchor, a doctor, a underage prostitute, a shakedown. It must be true. [Examiner]
Royals Sued Over Weiner in the Eye Incident
Posted by
12:24 PM

A man is suing the Kansas City Royals after an incident where the mascot, Slugger, threw a hot dog at a man's eye, leaving him with a detached retina.
The incident took place during a game last year where Slugger was launching hot dogs to fans using a hot dog launcher. Eventually he put the gun down and started tossing the weiners by hand. Unfortunately one was thrown at John Coomer who was struck directly in the eye (good aim?).
Coomer's complaint says that the mascot wasn't trained properly and was recklessly throwing hot dogs into the stands and is suing for $25k for negligence and battery.
Since the incident, Coomer has developed cataracts.
Wonder if he ate the hot dog or took it to go...[TMZ]
Street Fighter for iPhone
Posted by
10:44 AM
Street Fighter is coming to the iPhone. Eight characters, Ryu, Ken, Guile, Blanka, Chun-Li, Dhalsim, M. Bison and Abel will be available. The graphics look pretty good for the iPhone and it'll cost $10. It will be available sometime in March.
The Help I Am Choking App
Posted by
4:46 PM
If you're choking, don't worry, there is now an app for that.
Mophie Juice Pack TV
Posted by
3:40 PM
The new gadget costs 80 bucks and lets you stream TV to your phone for additional charges on your phone bill.
Worst Geek Wedding Ever
Posted by
3:34 PM
A couple got married at the Apple store on Fifth Ave. on Valentine's day. How lame. What's with all these lame Apple stories today?
Make sure you note that the priest or religious person was dressed like Steve Jobs and reading off an iPhone. And they never show the bride's face.
iTouch Gloves for iPhone and iPod Touch
Posted by
3:24 PM
These leather gloves allow people to control the touchscreens on their iPhones and iPod Touches. Unfortunately they are quite expensive. They come in 5 designs (men and women), starting at $99.99.
Buy a Step from Apple's Fifth Ave Store's Staircase from eBay
Posted by
2:13 PM

A broken step from the spiral staircase at Apple's Fifth Ave. is selling on eBay for $2,500. The starting bid is $200. It's not even signed by Woz or Jobs. Lame. [eBay]
First Superman Comic Sells for $1M
Posted by
1:58 PM
A rare copy of the first comic book featuring Superman has sold for $1 million, smashing a record set just last year.
The issue sold Monday morning is a 1938 edition of Action Comics No. 1, widely considered the Holy Grail of comic books. It features Superman lifting a car on its cover and originally cost 10 cents.
POTD: McOlympics
Posted by
1:22 PM

Stick Bomb
Posted by
9:29 AM
It's a "stick bomb" where popsicle sticks are woven together tightly enough to create an awesome visual effect that mimics dominoes toppling.
Happy Birthday Photoshop
Posted by
8:51 AM
Photoshop turned 20 years old today. Thanks for making models look skinnier...
...and dumb editors look dumber.
David Stern: OUCH!
Posted by
9:07 PM
Commissioner David Stern says NBA is projecting league-wide losses of
400 million this season.
400 million this season.
Talk about a punch in the stomach.
Google Introduces Google Buzz
Posted by
9:08 PM
Google Buzz is built right into GMail. It brings all your social networking to one location including Picasa, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Google Reader, etc. It lets you check out high quality pictures and share messages in real time. There's no need to set up anything since it's already built into your GMail. It also works as a mobile web-app for cell phones as well.
Google is rolling out the new feature, it will be available to everyone soon.
Plants Vs. Zombies Coming to the iPhone on February 15th!
Posted by
6:24 PM
It's finally officially going to happen. The funnest game, Plants vs. Zombies is coming to the iPhone and iPod Touch on February 15th!!! Here's a video of the game in action.
Google is Going to Add Some Crazy Social Networking to GMail Tomorrow?
Posted by
5:42 PM
Word from the Wall Street Journal is that Google will be implementing (probably in some beta form) a new social networking feature into GMail (along with other Google products). Most likely it will be something that works along the lines of Facebook and twitter. It would allow you to post updates and status messages just like the other social networking sites. More to come at 1 p.m. tomorrow. [NY Times]
ThinkGeek Now Selling Heat Changing Mugs
Posted by
4:01 PM

ThinkGeek's Arcade Mug changes design when it's filled with a hot liquid. It comes in 2 varieties so far, Pac Boy and Space Intruders (obviously no one wants to give them permission to use the real games). They're $7.99 each. [ThinkGeek]
Who Dat Won Da Supa Bowl?
Posted by
8:14 PM

From Aints to Super Bowl Champion Saints!
For the first time in franchise history, the Saints have won the Super Bowl. The former worst franchise in the NFL (Clippers next? Doubt it) has fully turned themselves around winning 31-17 over the Colts. Drew Brees will be named MVP. Let the party continue in New Orleans.
Tiger Woods' Google Commercial is Funnier than Anything You'll See Today
Posted by
8:11 PM
And don't expect to see it on TV,...ever.
Comparing Lost's First Episode to Season 6's First Episode
Posted by
4:45 PM
The filming of Lost's season six premiere looked very similar to the opening scenes in the first episode of season 1. Here's a side-by-side comparison of the two shootings. I think they did a very good job of making them look the same.
Frank Miller GelaSkins are AWESOME!
Posted by
1:18 PM

Just released by GelaSkins are Frank Miller artwork gelaskins to help protect your iPhones, iPod Touches, and laptops. There's artwork from 300 as well, but the Sin City stuff is just too awesome to pass up on. $15 for iPhone/iPod Touch, $30 for laptops. [GelaSkins]

Wheaties Fuel
Posted by
12:22 PM

New cereal by Wheaties helps curb that hunger between breakfast and lunch (or lunch and dinner in my case). Athletes such as Kevin Garnett, Peyton Manning and Albert Pujols helped design the new cereal with better ingredients including five grams of fiber, whole grains, a daily amount of five B vitamins, for longer-lasting energy. Also, one bowl contains 200 calories. You can buy it now for $5. It's the better breakfast of champions. [Wheaties Fuel]
Concept Video Shows Google Tablet in Action
Posted by
6:03 PM
Looks pretty cool, but considering there's no real word on this gadget, I doubt it'll be anything like this.
Tiger Woods Time Waster Game
Posted by
6:01 PM

Someone made a Tiger Woods game, called Tiger's Transgressions, where you have to hit golf balls to knock out women, presumably, Tiger's ho's, before they run and tell the media about their sexual relations with the infamous golfer. It's actually pretty tough, but hilarious. There are nine rounds with nine ho's and a hard mode as well. Check it out here.
CookMate Helps You Make a Meal With What You Have
Posted by
5:55 PM
Cookmate, an iPhone app, stores information on what you have in stock in your fridge and pantry. It will then suggest food ideas based on what you have. Sells for $1.99 in the app store.
The Who Dat Dog
Posted by
2:06 PM
This is pretty ridiculous. They would break away from the game to say "dat" to the dog that doesn't understand what the f is going on. It's cute at first, but turns retarded and annoying quickly.
Augmented Reality Lets You See Through Walls
Posted by
6:20 PM
Having two cameras is pretty simple, but if implemented into the real world, augmented reality would need hundreds of cameras simultaneously superimposing images on top of each other in real time.
Lace Up Save Lives
Posted by
4:25 PM
Nike got a bunch of athletes, including Kobe and Sharapova, to do an ad for their "Lace Up, Save Lives" campaign that was created to raise money to help the HIV/AIDS problem in Africa.
Lost Timeline Helps Refresh Viewers
Posted by
3:14 PM
The final season of Lost begins tomorrow night on ABC. The New York Times has created a timeline of events from the show to bring viewers back up to speed on what's been happening. [NY Times]
Paper Machine Turns Paper into Toilet Paper
Posted by
3:02 PM

This gigantic machine, called White Goat, turns regular paper into toilet paper. It can shred 40 pages of paper and turn it into one roll of toilet paper in about 30 minutes. It is expected to save about 60 trees a year and costs about $100,000. It should come out sometime this year in Japan. Genious.
UPDATE: It looks like single ply.
Netflix Streaming Goes Indie
Posted by
2:57 PM
The Netflix Streaming collection just got a lot bigger. They'll now be allowed to stream over 300 more movies from the Criterion Collection, Gravitas Ventures, Kino Lorber, Music Box Films, Oscilloscope Laboratories and Regent. More to come!
Internet Distractions
Posted by
2:49 PM
Internet distractions are needed to keep people sane, at the same time, if they keep people distracted for too long, it can just cause more problems and more insanity.
Logitech Touch Mouse App Turns iPhone into a Wireless Trackpad/Keyboard
Posted by
2:40 PM

The Logitech Touch Mouse app for the iPod Touch and iPhone can turn you gadget into a wireless trackpad and keyboard for your computer. It works over wifi and you'll need to download software on your computer as well as get the app for it to work. Pretty cool and useful if you want to use your iPhone/iPod as a control your computer or media center without cords.
1) Get the Touch Mouse App for your iPhone or iPod touch from the App Store
2) Download Touch Mouse Server software and install it on your computer.
Here are some of the features:
* Multi-touch trackpad with the option for two or three mouse buttons
* Two-finger scrolling
* Keyboard with Control, Alt, Command/Windows keys
* On-screen text display while typing
* Show or hide the keyboard at any time
* Trackpad and keyboard are available in landscape and portrait modes
Stephen Colbert Shows Off His iPad at the Grammys
Posted by
2:35 PM
Stephen Colbert is possibly the only non-apple employee to have a personal iPad almost a month in advance!
Plan: Get my own tv show and beg Apple to give me their latest gadget.
Charles Barkley Will Work for Food
Posted by
2:31 PM
The latest Taco Bell ad features Sir Charles trying to write a poem or rhyme...more to come...
and you know it will be good.
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