
iPod Saves Girl's Life, Twitter Kills Teen's

A teenage girl suffered burns when a lightning bolt was diverted through her iPod as she sheltered from a storm.

Sophie Frost, 14, and her boyfriend Mason Billington, also 14, sheltered under a tree in King George V Playing Field, in Rayleigh, Essex, during a thunder storm on Monday night.

Lightning struck and Sophie passed out as the current travelled through her iPod headphones, which were hanging from her school uniform, burning her chest and stomach.

Although his eyesight was affected by the bolt, Mason put Sophie over his shoulder and carried her to nearby Websters Way to get help. [AP]

Apple better give this girl a new iPod. It's the least they could do. Thanks to her they can officially confirm that iPod's do save lives (from lightning), just like seat belts (inside cars from lightning)!

Twitter on the other hand hasn't been as much of a lifesaver. 17 year-old Maria Barbu of Romania was twittering while in her bathtub. When she tried to reach the outlet to plug in her laptop, she was fatally electrocuted. [Aussie Times]

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