Official announcement from MLB will come later today.
Right from Peter Gammons's mouth right now as I watch SportsCenter: Scott Boras says -- and Gammons believes him -- that Manny had an ailment, went to his doctor in Florida who prescribed something for Manny and assured Manny that it was fine to take, turns out it wasn't okay.
The Dodgers are 21-8 (modern record 13-0 at home); Manny's batting .348 with 6 HRs and 20 RBIs. Holy shit.
Manny released the following statement to the press via the MLBPA:
Recently I saw a physician for a personal health issue. He gave me a medication, not a steroid, which he thought was OK to give me. Unfortunately, the medication was banned under our drug policy. Under the policy that mistake is now my responsibility. I have been advised not to say anything more for now.
I do want to say one other thing; I've taken and passed about 15 drug tests over the past five seasons. I want to apologize to Mr. McCourt, Mrs. McCourt, Mr. Torre, my teammates, the Dodger organization, and to the Dodger fans. LA is a special place to me and I know everybody is disappointed. So am I. I'm sorry about this whole situation.
I have to say, this is awful news for baseball fans. I've always liked Manny, even to a certain extent when he was on the Sox (i.e. to the extent that they weren't beating us), him and Papi. Both nice enough guys, funny guys. I hope he's able to get through this relatively unscathed, career wise, but to do that, he's gotta definitively prove everything he said in that statement. Doctor, medication, prescription, failed test, positive tests - everything. Really pulling for him.
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