
Monty Python's YouTube Channel Helps Raise DVD Sales

Monty Python now has it's own YouTube channel. Yea, now you don't have to watch those crappy quality clips. Instead you can watch high quality clips and you also have the option to go buy the DVDs. Right, but no one is going to do that right? WRONG! Monty Python sales spiked 23,000% on Amazon.com.

What can we learn from this? Gizmodo says it best:

"Are you paying attention, MPAA and RIAA? A controlled release of free material keeps people from resorting to piracy and keeps them in your controlled ecosphere, which can include, yes, ways for fans to give you money. But when you're a bunch of pricks, people go to The Pirate Bay and think of you as the enemy, and then you don't get any money. Take notes, you idiots."

Also of note: Monty Python allows embedding, but the Vatican doesn't. Just another reason Monty Python is awesome!

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